__________________________________________ ELB Software PO BOX 463 Lake Bluff, IL 60044 74670.1435@compuserve.com Web page - http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/elb __________________________________________ Description: "Race Log" for Sailboat Racing Race Log provides easy and flexible racing data entry: 1) Full Screen editing, or 2) Fill in the blanks Dialog Box Multiple Window Interface allows for multiple fleet scoring and visual comparison: Compare this year's standings to last year's standings. Determine the best scoring method for your fleet: Perform what-if analysis - find out how your standings change by experimenting with the scoring methods and options. Easily switch between scoring methods and re-score your fleet. Keep multiple score result windows open and compare results produced by each method. Supports the following scoring methods as outlined in "Yacht Race Scoring" by F. Gregg Bemis: 1) Low Point Scoring Method 2) Low Point Averaged Scoring (as described in the latest US Sailing International Yacht Racing Rules). 3) High Point Method 4) High Point Average Method 5) High Poing Fixed Method (pre-set high score for win) 6) High Point Fixed Average 7) Bonus Point Method (formerly Olympic Method) The following scoring options are automatically calculated to determine fleet standings. Each scoring method can be fine-tuned by your Race Committee to explicitly control: - Throwouts percentage - Override Throwouts percentage with number of Races - First Place points (.75, 1, or any other number) - Penalties for DNC, DNS, DNF, RET, DSQ, OCS, DND - Specify whether above penalties are added to Starters, Entrants, or Finishers (for DNF) - Minimum participation requirements for each race to determine whether a race will be scored - Minimum participation requirements for each sailor to determine Series eligibility - Minimum score for a sailor who is disqualified or who did not sail in a specific race Points can be manually overridden to compensate for redress, special scoring situations, etc. Error checking is performed to ensure the above options are satisfied, and to check for scoring inconsistencies. Keep track of separate Classes or Divisions within your fleet: Score Junior sailors in relation to the whole fleet, and in relation to each other om same fleet file. Accurate, complete and automatic Tie-breaking through all finishes. Divide fleet into separate Divisions. Select Top Finishers from scoring result window to create new racing fleet for additional scoring. Team Scoring - keep track of and create standings for up to 4 TEAMS, and use any of the available scoring methods. Score All races in fleet file, or alternatively score Selected races. Easily keep track of season standings and weekend standings without re-entering fleet data. Print support for Laser printers and Dot Matrix printers. Optionally print reports to a file for customization with your word processor. Prepare reports for publishing in your local newsletter or fleet magazine. Optionally print reports in HTML format for publishing on Web Site. Many additional capabilities such as sorting score data,viewing results before printing, searching score data, saving multiple copies of score data, window selection - moving - resizing with a Mouse, and more. Customizable screen and report formats for controlling level of detail on screen and on printed reports. Keeps data on Racer's Name, Sail Number, Sailing Club, Country, Sailing Class, State, Member Status. Any size fleet, any number of races, limited only by memory. Context sensitive, On-Line Help provides extensive and interactive documentation. Provides explanation of each score method and each option which can be set by the scorer. Documentation also provided in presentation quality on diskette in Word for Windows 2.0 format, WordPerfect 5.1 format. Also provided in text file format for use by Notepad or any other text editor. Developed by Computer Professional who is active sailor in Sunfish, Thistle Class sailing. Technical: - DOS 3.3 or higher(DOS 5.0 recommended) - Verified to launch from Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 - Color Monitor (VGA or better) - IBM compatible (286 or higher recommended with 2 meg of RAM) - Hard disk (1 meg of disk used) - Mouse is strongly suggested, but not required (Hot keys provided for most functions) Installation Intructions - download: - unzip downloaded file - run INSTALL from downloaded directory - follow instructions - install to different directory - print the README file or one of the documentation files listed in the README file. Installation Instructions - diskette: - insert diskette in drive a: [ or b: ] - type install - follow instructions - print the README file or one of the documentation files listed in the README file. Order form included in unzipped files Direct questions and comments to 74670,1435 or 74670.1435@compuserve.com See Web page for up to date information: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/elb